Time For Fledgling To Leave The Nest.

How one can feel both sadness and happiness the same time, I wonder?
Yesterday UK school leavers got their A-levels results. So this is official now; my son has got accepted to the University of his choice and will be leaving us soon…

I don’t even understand myself, how I feel about it. I still remember myself leaving my parents for university and new life. My Life. I was so excited and couldn’t wait that moment. I never looked back to see how they took it. I guess, nobody does…[The good thing – I can still remember that! :-p ]
It was such a great step for me! I was so insensitive to my parent’s feelings, that couldn’t hold my happiness from showing all over my face…bet they were not that pleased to see that…

Well, I hope I am not one of those moms who would feel sad to see their child finally leaving home. I don’t really want him to stay with us any longer – it’s time to go and to Live. Just feels a little “strange”, perhaps. Well, we did spent so many years together! Lol. In fact, I can’t even remember any time without him being around. I don’t think I know what we will do, when left just to ourselves…We never used to…

I was so pleased to see his happy face, when he finally realised, that what he’s been waiting for – it’s real now! I hope that he will do with his life what he wants. And that what he wants, will be – the best. And I am making a wish now:

Let my boy meet a lot of good people on his way. And even if he is in trouble, let there always be someone near to give him a hand and to help him through.

On Friendship Again!(things never change, do they?)

Was sitting at my favourite cafe in central Oxford today. Once again amazed on how the place can change internal quality when it’s not filled with the customers. It really feels like – some warp in the middle of that poorely decorated cheap room – once in there – you see things outside differently…

Anyway…Have been thinking on friendship again. When someone come across your way, someone who inspire you to get changed, who can lead you and help you – you call them – friends. You don’t go and change yourself for any stranger, but if you feel you want to make that effort for someone – then you know – that someone is not a stranger anymore.

From the other hand, friends are those, who can accept us as we are – good or bad, just what we are in reality.

Isn’t strange? We can do something really big for the friends, yet it is them, who need this the least…hmmmmm…

What a neverknown mystery that is! Just how far can you go for your friend? And how much of you can real friend accept?

9 thoughts on “Time For Fledgling To Leave The Nest.”

  1. Scars are reminders… they are signals of ouches we have incurred along the way… and for me at least they are necessary evils… for they are the places that hurt enough to bring into focus that alternatives do exist and that even when I am faced with what appears to be a no win situation that there is another way… they are signals to search…

    There is know match in deed… but in hue there is…

    Friends are the hands that lift us from one era in our lives to the next… for it is their touch that inspires us the most…

  2. I have to admit, it was time for both of us when my oldest finally left the house. I just had my youngest move to Japan as well to live with her dad and go to college, it was time for that too. NO tears here, just a lot of hope that they enjoy life and become better adults.

    Internet Mom

  3. i’m that kid that’s in college and not really missing home. my parents have called and e mal me saying they miss me so many times its ridiculous. but i can see how i entertained them and they miss that. not that their lives are boring, but i am more energetic than them… i dont know how to say it wihout offending someone, oh well. anyways, if i have kids, it will be a hard day to send them off i’m sure, because everything is new for them.

  4. I’ve been out and about since I was about 15. I remember it being a happy time for everyone involved. My parents were happy to rid themselves of the chaos of me and I was happy to be away from them. Over the years we have started to bond again but I dont’ think they get that empty nest thing ever. I had to live with them for a month a couple years ago and I remember I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

  5. I remember those feelings all too well. When we took our daughter to college I was so determined not to cry. I was so proud of her and yet knew I would miss her company very much. I was fine until that last moment before we headed for home and then the tears would not stop. Bright and eager to start a new life and yet a little nervous, she cried too.

    It has all been fine, this separation of parent and child. She has gone out into the world and has thrived and so have I.

  6. You are very brave to take this all so well…congratulations for that. I am sure that when I leave home at the end of next summer, my whole family will have a very hard time adjusting to the way things will change.

    It’s awesome, I think, that you are so optimistic, supportive, and open to change.

    And that you have to strength to let go, and let you your son live and experience life the way he truly wants to.

    Congrats for being the EOTW!

  7. You make some really good points. Really well written. Congrats on Entry of the Week! And thank you for your comments in my diary.

    Much Love,


  8. It’s been pleased to read your entry. I’m a daughter who has left home for 1.5 yr for studying. I’m back now and I’ve been feeling so GREAT to be with my family again, but in another way, I love travelling and meeting new friends. I’ve learned to treasure both my family and travelling life! ^-^

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